Sunday, 24 February 2013


There has been some serious stuff happening lately regarding my health and wellbeing which, although I will get into on here at some point, I don’t want to drag us all down so soon into getting back online!   

So, on a lighter note I want to tell you about a challenge that I’m participating in at the moment. It’s from Fat Mum Slim and it’s her Photo A Day challenge. She provides a prompt for each day (for the whole of 2013!) and the idea is to take a photo that day to capture the essence of the prompt, for example some prompts so far include; myself, something yellow, shadow and love is...  As you can see they are very varied and sometimes really random! 

If you have me as a friend on facebook or instagram you may have seen some of my photos, I’m going to print them all in one of those glossy photo books you can order so I will have a year in review!  

Check out all the details of the challenge at>>

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

We're back!

Hello! It’s been awhile hasn’t it?!?  Sorry for that but after the first year we started to get busy and blah, blah, excuses, excuses!  Well the original purpose for this blog was to document our journey to living in Canada, well we’ve done that and still doing it but sometimes there just isn’t much going on or it’s the same stuff that we would be doing back in England (albeit in a more picturesque setting!) So I’ve decided to change this blog up a bit and still post about what we are getting up to but also use it as a bit of an online journal - somewhere where I can ponder on the meaning of life and why Creme Egg’s are so bloody good and bad all at the same time!

So enjoy the new look and speak to you soon!