Sunday, 24 February 2013


There has been some serious stuff happening lately regarding my health and wellbeing which, although I will get into on here at some point, I don’t want to drag us all down so soon into getting back online!   

So, on a lighter note I want to tell you about a challenge that I’m participating in at the moment. It’s from Fat Mum Slim and it’s her Photo A Day challenge. She provides a prompt for each day (for the whole of 2013!) and the idea is to take a photo that day to capture the essence of the prompt, for example some prompts so far include; myself, something yellow, shadow and love is...  As you can see they are very varied and sometimes really random! 

If you have me as a friend on facebook or instagram you may have seen some of my photos, I’m going to print them all in one of those glossy photo books you can order so I will have a year in review!  

Check out all the details of the challenge at>>

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